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Postat av: rkfzc5q14Z

Publicerad 2015-01-14 18:00:38

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Postat av: dilyjl410

Publicerad 2015-01-14 18:17:04

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Publicerad 2015-01-14 18:30:48

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Publicerad 2015-01-14 18:30:58

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Publicerad 2017-07-27 05:01:57

п»їHow to Increase Penis Size Naturally – Penis Enlargement Exercise
Table of Contents:
Note: These Penis Enlargement Exercises are demonstrated in Penis Enlargement Bible Book by Professional Sex Educator Dr. John Collins.
Know Your Penis:
If you think you already know your penis, think again. It is not muscle or bone but a delicate soft tissue. Its growth was supported by body biochemicals during puberty. How you can make it grow after puberty is by means of this non- conventional penis enlargement exercise.
Your penis has 3 cylinders (pencil-size, tube-like tissues) – two on top and one at the bottom where the urethra is and from which urine and sperm move through. These cylinders are protected by the Buck’s fascia, a tissue that enfolds cylinders together. Enlarging the Buck’s fascia along with the cylinders will give you a bigger penis.
But first, what is your penis size?
Measuring Your Penis:
Do you know how to accurately measure your penis length? Here are the steps:
Step 1 . Place the tip of your measuring device just hard enough against your pubic bone so you can feel it (the hard part beneath your pubic hair). Holding your penis, measure all the way to the tip, the top most part.

Step 2 . Use a cloth measuring tape for an accurate reading. Do not follow a straight measurement from the tip down to the pubic bone but measure along curves and bends. Use a string as a substitute if you don’t have a cloth measuring tape. Simply measure the string you used to get the length of your penis by placing it against a ruler. The result (in inches, centimeters or millimeters) is your official penis length.
Note: The pubic bone as the base to start measuring puts every measurement on the same level for each man especially for heavier men whose penis appear smaller because of fat in the area.
Step 3. Girth measurement. Along the penis shaft, find its thickest part while erect and wrap the measuring tape all around and take note of how many millimeters or centimeters is your girth size.
Penis Exercises – The Basics:
In this guide, you will learn how to trap blood in the penis through exercises that will enlarge the blood vessels within so that you achieve a bigger penis. Now don’t be too eager to avoid harming your manly tool. Just be sure to follow instructions accordingly and carefully.
Warming up:
This is VERY IMPORTANT to prepare your penis for the exercise and avoid harming it.

Soak a piece of washcloth in warm water; the hotter the better but not to the point of burning your skin.
Wring it to squeeze the water out then wrap it around your penis and hold for a minute.
Repeat the process two times more or up to 5 minutes.
Dry your penis well using a fresh, soft towel.

Stretching the skin of the penis while erect will help create tension in the erectile tissues to obtain longer penis ligaments to increase its length. It also helps increase skin elasticity and expands the spaces within the corpora cavernosa, a penis chamber. More blood within the expanded spaces results to an enlarged penis mass.
Stretches: Do 4 sets of this 6 stretching exercise daily, warming your penis properly each time.

Sit along the edge of the bed or sofa. Wrap your penis with your thumb and index finger, pulling your penis out in front for 30-40 seconds. With a gentle but firm grip, begin stroking from base to the head stretching as much skin as you can.
Put your penis down for 30-40 seconds.
Put it up once more, directly in front for 30-40 seconds.
Gently pull your penis to the left (30-40 seconds).
Do the same stretch, towards the right this time again for 30-40 seconds.
Move your penis in circular motion (30-40 seconds).

Once done stretching, let your penis relax to allow blood flowing again. You may feel the urge to ejaculate and that

Postat av: FERenl#genick[REWdwbyweqewOK,2,4]

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